Jason & Melanie

October 26, 2024

Jason & Melanie

October 26, 2024

Our Story

Jason and Melanie met over ten years ago while online dating and have been together ever since! They have shared a home together in Hazel Park for the past ten years with their two cats. They have traveled frequently throughout the country for both pleasure and because of work, and love a long road trip!

Jason and Melanie became legally married in November of 2023 in a small private civil ceremony and are excited to celebrate their marriage with their family and friends with a wedding blessing and weekend party this October.

Jason and Melanie are honored to welcome Father William Danaher from Christ Church Cranbrook to perform their wedding blessing.

Jason and Melanie have found a loving faith community at CCC, which vows to “seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves, and to strive for justice and peace among all people, respecting the dignity of every human being. Based on our mission and these sacred baptismal vows, Christ Church Cranbrook welcomes and affirms people of every race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, age, physical and mental ability, national origin, and economic station—none of which may limit full participation in the life of our community.”